It’s really simple.
When someone comes to take what you’ve got, do you defend it by FIGHTING or RUN TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY?
After all if there are only a few attackers, you’re better ‘armed’ than they are, behind adequate ‘defences’ to withstand an assault, you’d be a fool to just walk away. Some will say it’s a judgement call and for the most part I’d agree only that judgement call needs to be tempered with a lot of analysis of what is going on. For example.
The age-old problem for the survivor going to ground to wait out whatever is SUPPLIES.
- For example, Water
(Rule of three, you can survive 3 days without water in adequate “climate controlled” shelter. Each survivor needs about a gallon of water a day for everything.
That being used for personal hygiene, cooking, drinking, eating, and cleaning up afterwards. - Food is another issue.
Granted not so important as water (Rule of three, you can survive 3 continuous weeks without food) although the most I’ve managed was two before the effects of malnutrition were “felt” BIG TIME. You can only store so much. - Fuel / Power.
You’ve probably planned for enough fuel plus an emergency factor for the time you are in cover. This shouldn’t change much with an increase of numbers BUT it does make you a valid target for those who haven’t planned. - Medicines, both preventative and first aid.
I’ve only planned for me and my own so I don’t want anyone else to use them.
Now I could go on through my list but that’s the essentials covered.
So a couple of scenarios is called for:-
You are currently in a CBRN scenario
It may be unsafe to leave your refuge under any circumstances.
So yes I’d fight it out. Even though you could be facing superior numbers of assailants.
After all letting others in during a CBRN scenario may be admitting contamination into your shelter. As for you fleeing into contamination? That’s not really an option is it.
Considering the force attacking you.
Early into a crisis, desperation may not have set in yet, but they are sensibly seeking adequate shelter and perhaps you’ve got the only hardened shelter they have found. The issue for you is have they had time to arm themselves to a degree that could overwhelm you? I submit they may not have had time in their flight from the event but that’s not exactly cast iron logic, just a guesstimate. The next problem for you is they may still be thinking correctly and not affected by whatever the CBRN event was.
Tactically, clear thought by an attacker is not to your advantage, panicked, sick, tired, dehydrated, and weak are all things I LIKE OTHER PEOPLE TO BE.
Then you’ve got radiation sickness with the “feel good” time between the initial exposure and the relapse into symptoms. They may look “OK” but very soon they will get sick again.
As for biological attack? It takes time for symptoms to develop. How do you know who is infected?
Now comes the bigger problem and it’s time dependent.
In a big die off scenario, survivors may have used that time to build up an arsenal of weapons. You’ve also got to be thinking that they may have been in a hostile environment and used those weapons. Thus the human ‘inherent dislike of killing’, the sight and fear of death, and the fear of combat, may have been conditioned by events right out of them.
So what you may be facing is a ‘conditioned, numb to death’, possibly tactically inexperienced, but well armed force. Yet they may be in the condition I like others to be in.
OK, they may not be thinking straight but now desperation and probably anger will drive them on. THEY DEFINITELY have nothing to lose by attacking you.
You may also want to read: Improvised Weapon You May Not Have Considered
CBRNE and Personal Protective Equipment PPE
Only, as said, that would have taken time so now you’ve got the judgement call to make.
Stay or flee as the CBRN event may have diminished enough to allow you to travel. A purely subjective type of decision.
A NON CBRN Scenario
What are attackers looking for?
Shelter, what you’ve got i.e. supplies, money or wealth, weapons, or your women?
I submit there will be quite a few types of people you will be facing including:-
The unprepared single, a family or loose group, the well equipped (usually armed) survivalist, a gang or a group of marauders, the authorities in the form of military or paramilitary police.
How you deal with them is up to you BUT the order I’ve written them is an indication of how I view an increasing threat level.
- The first two single, family or loose group (all may be armed) are unpredictable yet probably ill-equipped to assault you.
- The “trained and aware” survivalist would (or should) have taken a damn good look at you before approaching. He or she (maybe they) may know the score, your weaknesses, your strengths before ASKING for permission to approach.
I know it goes against my initial thoughts BUT – PERHAPS – they might be an asset. This really is the only grey area for me and one that was formed by experience.
For example, many years ago a ‘friendly’ helped me to survive on the streets. Nothing wanted, nothing given, just a practical helping hand from one experienced to the novice. - A gang or group of marauders.
They will be relying on “shock and awe” to overwhelm you.
Probably any ex-mil would have scoped you out first, but one thing is certain they will be ready to use massive force and expect you to submit to their “will”.
Only if you are suitably prepared, and I feel the US and other “gun sensible” countries will survive this sort of attack better than the UK will, the cost of their assault needs to be dramatic and rapidly applied.
NOTHING puts off an over-confident force than a rapid attrition of their personnel and transport. Especially if they have no reserves or backup. - Finally you’ve got the biggest threat, the authorities in the form of military and the paramilitary equipped police.
- If they are there under orders, they will succeed.
Their resources are just too deep and if that includes air support, armour, or even hand-held anti tank munitions, I’d just skip out the back door. - If they have gone rogue, which is always a possibility as the rule of law disappears or the military fragments with a loss of central control, what they are carrying is probably all they have got. Only when you compare them to city ganger’s or marauders, they will have had training. Even with limited resources, they would be a formidable threat. Once again I’d be looking at skipping out the back door.
- If they are there under orders, they will succeed.
Is skipping out the back door a bad thing in a non CBRN scenario?
Nope, not at all as the wise prepper / survivalist would have concealed their main inventory well. Then would it matter if the invaders wrecked the place?
One thing is certain, you can always go back being very careful to check for “presents” aka anti personnel devices aka IED’s.
Having said that, in civilized countries with access to “boom” making material, what is there to stop you leaving some of your own FU packages lying around?
Self-sufficiency and Preparedness solutions recommended for you:
The Lost Ways (The vital self-sufficiency lessons our great grand-fathers left us)
Food for Freedom (If I want my family to survive, I need my own food reserve)
Survival MD (Knowledge to survive any medical crisis situation)
Liberty Generator (How to gain complete energy independence)
Backyard Liberty (Obama’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns…)
Alive After the Fall (Build yourself the only unlimited water source you’ll ever need)
The Lost ways (4 Important Forgotten Skills used by our Ancestors that can help you in any crises)
The Patriot Privacy Kit (Secure your privacy in just 10 simple steps)
BulletProof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Lightsoutusa (You will have communications in ANY TYPE of disaster.)
Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness guide)
Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Survival System (Learn The 7 Secrets Every Family Must Know To Survive Any Disaster Or Crisis Situation)