3 Prepper Food Levels That Increase Survivability

prepper food

Surviving 25 to 30 years off of stored survival food is just not realistic for a lot of us.  Instead, there are 3 prepper food levels that I believe everyone can stockpile quickly.  These levels will also increase your survivability.


  • a lot of people that get involved with preparedness have the impression that you have some huge emergency food stockpile
  • I’ve seen people claim to have 25 to 30 years worth of prepper food stockpiled.
  • however, that is not realistic for a lot of us
  • many of us don’t have the space to store it or the money to buy it with
  • also, I’m not sure if you would want to stay isolated for 25 years eating the same canned and dried food for so long
  • I can’t really think of a scenario that would call for 25 years of prepper food stockpiled
  • There hasn’t been a time in history that had called for such an event
  • even a full-blown nuclear fallout would only call for a few years of recovery time
  • so instead of suggesting that you stockpile that much food, I want to recommend a layering system that will increase your survivability


1. Store bought food

  • when first starting off building your emergency prepper food supply you should begin with for store bought food
  • these foods should, of course, have long shelf lives
  • the reasons you should start with food bought stores is because they are cheaper and you have easier access
  • you could start off with dried food but will pay more and have to wait for shipping
  • with store bought survival food you can pick up some now for cheap
  • you can find really great deals at dollar stores


Use couponing to really save money and build a stockpile fast

  • to take it one step further you can really build a supply up quickly by using coupons
  • when you are couponing you will want to stack them
  • what I do is get the weekend newspapers that has all the ads and coupons
  • I typically get about 2 or 3 newspapers so that I can buy multiple items
  • then I put those coupons into a folder system
  • that folder system has 12 folders, one for every month of the year
  • so for all of the coupons that I get for January, I will file them in the January folder
  • I don’t just go out and use them as soon as I get them
  • instead, I rely on a website called Truecouponing.com
  • this website will tell me when to use certain coupons
  • this is because foods run on sales cycles
  • there are certain times of the year that products are at the lowest prices
  • so True Couponing provides a weekly update on what coupons to use
  • this is where you get some really good discounts
  • if you combine the cheapest time to buy a product, with an ongoing sale with manufacturer and store coupons then savings are outrageous
  • there have been times that I have bought $200 worth of groceries but only paid $40


Additional tips

  • store-bought canned food is one of the most popular types of survival food to buy
  • this is because a lot of the canned food is ready to eat
  • so if you don’t have time electricity and heat to cook them you can still eat it from the can
  • I would recommend having at least 30 days worth of store-bought survival food, to begin with
  • once you purchase this amount then you should begin working on the next layer


2. Dried survival food

  • the great thing about freeze-dried food is that they have a longer shelf life as compared to canned and packaged foods
  • so you don’t have to continually rotate your emergency food supply
  • it is also lighter than canned food and provides more per container
  • freeze-dried food is healthier as it provides a lot more nutrients than canned food
  • the downside is that it is more expensive than store-bought survival food
  • they will also take more storage space than canned food but get more per container
  • the other downside, if you consider it a downside, is that it will take longer to prepare
  • like I said with canned food you can eat it straight out of the can
  • however, with freeze dried food you will need to add hot water
  • it typically takes about 10 to 12 minutes to prepare
  • you should have at least another 5 months worth of freeze-dried survival food
  • this will give you enough prepper food until you can reap food from the final layer of prepper food


3. Survival Garden

  • a survival garden is a vegetable garden designed to provide enough crops to permit you and your family to live on the garden produce alone
  • to me, it is important to have a survival garden especially for long-term SHTF recovery scenarios
  • it is almost impossible to build an emergency prepper food supply that will last you 40 years with just store bought and dried food
  • a lot of us don’t have that type of space to store it
  • instead, if there is a collapse scenario you will want to begin a survival garden
  • that way when you run out of your emergency stockpile you will then have food that you can pick from the garden


What to grow

  • when determining what to grow in your survival garden you will want to take in 4 factors
  • the foods should produce big yields, can be stored easily, they are perennials and can grow or be stored during the cold winter months
  • a lot of us don’t have a lot of room to grow a big garden
  • that is why it is important that the crops that you grow can produce big yields
  • they should be easy to store with long shelf lives
  • It would be helpful if those plants are perennials
  • a lot of plants die after you pick from them
  • however, perennial plants will still produce food after you pick from them for at least 2 years
  • finally, having foods that are immune to cold weather helps to ensure that you will have food after the blistering winter


<<Check out this page for more survival solutions tested by preppers and survivalists!>>

Security concerns

  • now having a garden may draw some unwanted attention
  • there may be looters that will take food from others
  • you may even have the government taking food from people during a collapse scenario
  • one recommendation that I have read about is having a secret survival garden
  • a secret survival garden is really hidden to the naked eye
  • unless your eye is trained on it you wouldn’t realize that someone is growing a garden
  • it just looks like plants that grow naturally in the wild
  • so that is one recommendation that I would have for those that are worried about their food being taken
  • there is a book called The Secret Survival Garden that I would recommend as a good read
  • it really breaks it down into how to grow and structure that garden


Also read: Why You Should Be Storing Whey Protein Powder

Via smartpreppergear.com


Self-sufficiency and Preparedness solutions recommended for you:

BulletProof Home   (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home)

The Lost Super Foods (126+ Survival Foods and Tips for Your Stockpile)

Alive After the Fall (Build yourself the only unlimited water source you’ll ever need)

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